Viewing 49 - 59 out of 59 posts


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Dealing with Changes to Custody and Visitation Arrangements Caused by COVID-19

Divorced parents are accustomed to raising children amidst changing circumstances, but the COVID-19 pandemic has introduced challenges that many of us have never seen before. Stay at home orders have Read More

How Might COVID-19 Change the Way Personal Injury Cases Are Litigated?

Like most other activities where in-person interaction is required, personal injury lawsuits have been disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. This can put serious stress on parties who are looking to Read More

How Can I Create Estate Planning Documents During the Pandemic?

Even in its first few weeks, the COVID-19 pandemic caused many people to examine or reassess what is most important to them. The need to prepare in case of an Read More

What Advance Medical Directives Should I Have in Place If I’m Concerned About COVID-19?

Though it’s always been true, the COVID-19 pandemic has driven home the point that a debilitating medical condition can strike without warning. Whether you’re fighting the coronavirus or are incapacitated Read More

What Types of Personal Injury Claims Might Result from COVID-19 Exposure?

COVID-19 exposure has led to a litany of serious health issues and tens of thousands of deaths. Though everyone’s health is top priority, afflicted individuals and family members of those Read More

How a Coronavirus-related Income Loss Could Affect Your Alimony and Child Support

Many people have faced a job loss or reduction in income due the coronavirus pandemic. In such a case it might be difficult for an ex-spouse paying alimony or a Read More

Will the U.S. See its Divorce Rate Spike After the COVID-19 Quarantine Ends?

With so many American residents stuck at home with their families, prognosticators have predicted that several months down the road, the country could experience a baby boom and a divorce Read More

Can You Bring an Emotional Distress Claim Related to COVID-19?

The novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19 is not only potentially deadly, but can be transmitted by individuals who are not showing any symptoms, so people might fear that they’ve contracted Read More

Communicating With Your Ex About COVID-19 Custody Issues

During a crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic, family becomes more important than ever, especially for children whose schedules have been disrupted by long-term school closures and the cancellation of Read More

Understanding How COVID-19 May Have Affected the Value of Your Estate

The economic and personal upheaval triggered by the COVID-19 outbreak is likely to warrant a review of your estate plan, no matter how thorough you think it is. As Americans Read More

Who Gets the Stimulus Check When Spouses Are Separated or Divorcing?

Going through a divorce is stressful enough, but the coronavirus pandemic spreading throughout the United States presents additional complications for spouses who have decided to split. In addition to changes Read More

Viewing 49 - 59 out of 59 posts


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